Dos Veganos

Just another site

Re-veganizing…with Veestro! June 22, 2014

Filed under: Burger King,health,junk food,Veestro,Whopper — R.J. de Rossi @ 9:14 pm



Veestro.  Nature's Cuisine and a much needed helping hand!

Veestro. Nature’s Cuisine.  And a much needed helping hand!


Okay, so I’ve pretty much fallen off the strict plant-based wagon over the last few months.  I feel a bit like a hypocrite since I’ve continued to blog about it and even tell others how effective a vegan diet is while secretly hitting up Burger King late nights for Double Whoppers and local Puerto Rican restaurants for pernil (a melt in your mouth pork shoulder).  Yes, I know what this means to Bible thumping vegetarians world-wide:  Veggie Hell!

Well, for a lot of reasons (many personal) I just lost interest in my health and a basic heave-ho for life.  I stopped any kind of fitness and even slacked with my meditation.  Also, I’ve been completely overwhelmed with work, my master’s program, and moving twice in one year!  It’s been hectic for me and I basically ate what was convenient and whatever I craved (which was usually some fat-laden, greasy, or fried animal product).

Each time I tried to battle the inertia created by letting go of my ideals I kept slipping back all over again.  The gravity of the old, mainstream ways of eating was powerful and my desire for those yummy plant-based meals I used to devour and adore was just a little flicker.

So my master’s program is almost wrapped up.  The school year ends for me on Monday so I won’t be teaching for the summer and can finally catch my breath and take stock on some of the lessons I’ve learned through this crazy year.

I decided to seek a little help in getting back into the swing of things with Veestro.   I found out about Veestro a couple months ago but wasn’t sure if I was willing to spend the money on a meal delivery service.  Well, after much deliberation, I decided it was worth it.  I ordered their 21 Day Challenge 1 Meal per Day + Juice Cleanse Pack, which is one meal a day plus some juices.  I plan on offsetting my one meal with homemade smoothies, a daily salad, and lots of fresh fruit, and distilled water.  Plus, I still have my tride and true local hotspot restaurants for some of my favorite take-out orders or nights out on the town.

I’m not looking to lose any weight or anything since I haven’t gained much.  Just my sense of vitality.

I’ll keep you all posted every once in a while about how well I do.

Sincerely Yours,

The Vegan Hypocrite Blogger


WTF?! Wednesday: The Luther Burger October 16, 2013

Filed under: health,humor,junk food,Uncategorized,Vegan,weight loss,wtf wednesday — R.J. de Rossi @ 11:00 am

A favorite scene of mine from the Boondocks (from the brilliant mind of Aaron McGruder):

Run away from this travesty!  Run far, far away!


Back from Blogger Limbo; Vegan Blueberry Banana Waffles March 25, 2012

Filed under: health,quick and easy,recipe,Uncategorized,Vegan — R.J. de Rossi @ 2:43 am

Dream Geek, here.  My partner in crime, Chantal, has been carrying Dos Veganos for a little over a month now.  Bless her for not making me feel any worse than I did that I wasn’t contributing!  I was so swamped with family and car issues.  And for the last two weeks I’ve been sick with some weird mutant virus!  Today is the first day I actually feel humanoid!

So I was excited to be feeling better and have my appetite back that I made whole grain Vegan Blueberry Banana Waffles!  I used Very Vanilla Silk Milk instead of milk, honey for sweetener, and mashed banana for  a binder.  Yummy!  It was the perfect meal to greet me back to the land of the living!  And my picky niece even wanted to have one made for her after she tasted the batter (which tasted like cake batter).

Here’s what they looked like:


Vegan meal planning December 29, 2011

Filed under: health,Vegan — Chantal @ 6:00 pm
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My husband bought me a vegan meal planning book for Christmas. I think because I struggle with what to make for us and the babies that we’d all eat. In this book, which covers 12 weeks, each meal and snack is covered for the day. We’re starting it this coming Monday. We’ve already gone through next weeks recipes and figured out things we definitely wouldn’t eat – like the sun-dried tomato risotto (I never eat tomatoes). I’m pretty excited to start and I’ll definitely be posting about it along the way, along with what recipes are keepers (I suspect the butternut squash and black bean chili will be a keeper).

How do you plan your meals? Do you even plan or do you just decide on what sounds good when your hungry?


Joel Fuhrman. Nutritional Science God. December 12, 2011


Nutritional science that will convince even hardcore skeptics.

So one of the books that got me hooked into a plant-based diet (along with Diet For A New America by John Robbins) was Eat To Live by Joel Fuhrman.  The science in this book is mind blowing!  I read Eat To Live back when it was first released in 2000 or so and have struggled to live up to its eating plan since.  Not easily, mind you.  I was seven years vegetarian (lacto-ovo) and then fell off the wagon for about a year and a half of juicy ribs, bacon, pork chops, and Chinese boneless red ribs…Dunno WHAT it is about pork that makes me weak!

Recently I noticed that Dr. Fuhrman (or Fuhrbie as my Dos Veganos partner has dubbed him!) has been getting a lot of attention through the Whole Foods health program and the PBS TV special, 3 Steps to Incredible Health.  It’s great to see the media taking to Fuhrman and his nutrition plan.  Also, I’ve noticed quite a few people in my own circle friends that have been been working to make some diet/health changes and have been mentioning Dr. Fuhrman.  Vindication for me for those years in the beginning when I was being criticized for my diet change and even had heated, ongoing debates with a co-worker who was following the Atkins Diet.  (We all see where THAT disasterous fad has gone!)

What I like about Furhman’s research is that it doesn’t advocate no meat or dairy.  What it does is relegate the meat and dairy (as well as process foods and oils) to a mere 10 per cent of one’s intake.

The Eat to Live plan in a nutshell?

  • Eat one large salad a day.
  • Eat one serving of cooked beans every day.
  • Eat one serving of cook greens every day.
  • Eat 3 servings of fruit every day.
  • Switch to whole grains.

This is really standard information for the average health nut.  But for those that don’t particularly want to venture into Veganville it’s profound.  If the average American made just these changes and still continued eating meat and dairy they would at least be getting the health benefits of eating raw/cooked veggies, beans, and fruits daily.  They’d probably be eating less meat and dairy just because they’d feel FULL after eating food that truly feeds them.  And probably would begin noticing how different it feels after you’ve gorged on fruits, veggies, and whole grains vs. McRibs, fries, and Coke.

For those of you who haven’t come across Dr. Fuhrman here’s an early video of some of his first recorded lectures:

And finally, here’s a Fuhrman created food pyramid from the Eat Right America site:

So check out the book if you want.  I’m curious though.  Anybody else wanna share what sources they use for inspiration or what book/documentary/article/person made them switch?


WTF?! Wednesday: Teens vs. Veggies November 30, 2011

Filed under: health,Uncategorized,Vegan,weight loss,wtf wednesday — R.J. de Rossi @ 7:37 am
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Welcome to WTF?! Wednesday, a weekly feature here at Dos Veganos where we will highlight the absurd, humorous, and downright “DUH!” moments in the realm of nutrition and health.

Ding Ding Ding!  Alright everyone!  Back to your corners!

A totally “Captain Obvious” article about the ongoing feud between teenagers and vegetables:

   Teens Still Not Eating Enough Fruits and Vegetables

It’s hilarious to me that the “news” covers this like it’s something we don’t already know. At the same time, it’s sad to me that it’s become such the norm and that it never seems to change. I think how different my life would be if I had been raised with an awareness and love of eating my veggies when I was in my teens. Maybe no acne, higher energy, increased self-confidence…not to mention the course it would have set for my adulthood!

God knows salads bore me just as much as the next guy, but can we get a little justice for our young people please?  The suggestion in the article nails it though.  The secret is more cooking as a family.  When my nieces come over I try to cook a dish with them so that they’re invested in a fun project and more inclined to try the food just to find out what their little creative hands made.

Quality time together and nutritious and tasty homemade food?  How can you go wrong?  Maybe there’s an App for that…


WTF?! Wednesday: Feasting on Rotten Meat November 10, 2011

Welcome to WTF?! Wednesday, a weekly feature here at Dos Veganos where we will highlight the absurd, humorous, and downright “DUH!” moments in the realm of nutrition and health.

A cure for cancer???

Warning: Not for the faint of heart!

I bumped into this Ripley’s Believe It or Not segment recently.

I have no words!


Seitan’s A Jerk! October 23, 2011


A boiling pot of elastic dumplings! Yuck!

UGH!!! So, as promised earlier, I attempted to make some vegan jerk chicken out of homemade seitan (vital wheat gluten) last night. A complete disaster! It was like chewing on elastic bands! I’m not sure what I did wrong. Last week I ate vegan sausage and peppers made with saitan and it was like chomping on bits of heaven (obviously, someone else made it, not me! LOL!).  If anyone knows any tricks to making this shit taste edible please help a poor culinary challenged dimwit out!


WTF?! Wednesday: Freeze! Vegan Police! October 19, 2011

Welcome to WTF?! Wednesday, a regular feature here at Dos Veganos where we will highlight the absurd, humorous, and downright “DUH!” moments in the realm of nutrition and health.

In honor of New York Comic Con this past weekend (which was a super blast!) I thought it would be fun to watch one of my favorite scenes from the best comic book movie that no one really saw, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Really, who among us hasn’t found themselves in that position before: powerless and sapped of all vegan superiority because of a little slip???  “It’s milk and eggs, bitch!” LOL

One of THE best movies ever!  And not just because it proves that vegans have superpowers!


WTF?! Wednesday October 13, 2011

Filed under: health,restaurants,wtf wednesday — R.J. de Rossi @ 1:35 am
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Welcome to WTF?! Wednesday, a weekly feature here at Dos Veganos where we will highlight the absurd, humorous, and downright “DUH!” moments in the realm of nutrition and health.

No that anyone here is judging… 😉