Dos Veganos

Just another site

It’s Mind/Body Musings: Mindful Eating October 10, 2011

Welcome to Mind/Body Musings. This is a regular feature here at Dos Veganos where we will explore different aspects of the mind/body connection.

LOVE the Mandarin orange wedge up against the simple white backdrop!

So I’m probably the last person on the planet to be recommending a book about “mindful eating” since I suck up my food as quickly and violently as a high power vacuum cleaner, but there’s something that draws me to a slower and richer approach to eating.  To really relish the flavors and to incorporate a real sense of gratitude into my eating habits!  (Well, into ANY of my habits, really!)  So I noticed one of my favorite Buddhist writers, Thich Nhat Hanh, has co-authored a book called Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life.  It’s definitely on my “To Read” list.

Here’s a link to a video by the co-author, Dr. Lilian Cheung:

My problem is that I only think of slowing down AFTER I’ve scoffed down the pasta and licked the sauce off the plate like a dog for good measure!  LOL.  Well, let me know if any of you have read it or if you have any tips for this hopelessly MINDLESS eater…


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